A non-opportunistic lifestyle


My ideals are very uncommon, and since I rest on them my lifestyle , so it is too.

My opinion is that , as living beings capable of having higher aims, we shouldn’t ground our actions on what’s conditional in this world, but on what’s right for us. Only this way we can have a chance to change something in better :  only if working away from what’s conditional and opportunistic.


Leaving like this , trying to stay pure and honest in relationships you care and always giving your 100% , you have to be strong enough to be willing to suffer when you won’t appreciated our understood , or when the corruption in this world  will make some people around you try to find spots in your intention, that sound so strangely pure.

You will be appreciated, but you have to be prepared to the fact that you also won’t sometimes,  but this hasn’t to be a deterrent for starting to raise a barrier around you to stupidly be protected-but-limited by. Strong people aren’t the rougher ones in personality, but the happy and peaceful ones who are capable to endure all the range of feelings and emotions.


So, I behave basing in what’s right to me, almost always regardless if it could be disposable.  I don’t shield myself from potential pain, because I try to be strong enough to go through it , and I know it’s the only way to walk on a path towards true things.

And in the end, I want to be capable to say : I lived fully.


As a fragile living being I sometimes fail, I try with all myself but sometimes I contradict my theories too. But I swear I try, I try. I try so hard to stay committed to higher purposes.